#1529. Balanced Subsets

Balanced Subsets

Farmer John's pasture can be regarded as a large 2D grid of square "cells" (picture a huge chessboard) labeled by the ordered pairs (i,j)(i,j) for each 1iN1 \leqslant i \leqslant N, 1jN1 \leqslant j \leqslant N. Some of the cells contain grass. A nonempty subset of grid cells is called "balanced" if the following conditions hold:

  1. All cells in the subset contain grass.
  2. The subset is 4-connected. In other words, there exists a path from any cell in the subset to any other cell in the subset such that every two consecutive cells of the path are horizontally or vertically adjacent.
  3. If cells (x1,y)(x_1,y) and (x2,y)(x_2,y) (x1x2x_1 \leqslant x_2) are part of the subset, then all cells (x,y)(x,y) with x1xx2x_1 \leqslant x \leqslant x_2 are also part of the subset.
  4. If cells (x,y1)(x,y_1) and (x,y2)(x,y_2) (y1y2y_1 \leqslant y_2) are part of the subset, then all cells (x,y)(x,y) with y1yy2y_1 \leqslant y \leqslant y_2 are also part of the subset.

Count the number of balanced subsets modulo 109+710^9+7.

  • 1N1501 \leqslant N \leqslant 150

Input Format

The first line contains NN.

The next NN lines each contain a string of NN characters. The jj-th character of the ii-th line from the top is equal to G if the cell at (i,j)(i,j) contains grass, or . otherwise.

Output Fotmat

The number of balanced subsets modulo 109+7.


For this test case, all 4-connected subsets are balanced.

G.  .G  ..  ..  GG  .G  ..  G.  GG  .G  G.  GG  GG
.., .., G., .G, .., .G, GG, G., G., GG, GG, .G, GG

Here is an example of a subset that satisfies the second condition (it is 4-connected) but does not satisfy the third condition:



  • Test cases 1-4 satisfy N4N \leqslant 4.
  • Test cases 5-10 satisfy N20N \leqslant 20.
  • Test cases 11-20 satisfy no additional constraints.

Problem Credits

Benjamin Qi